Sunday, August 26, 2007

TPS 16: National Show

Title: 1638
This image will be traveling for the next year with the Texas Photographic Society National Show. A total of 359 artists submitted 2,410 images for consideration in the show. Entries came from 42 states and 7 countries. 58 artist and 58 images were accepted.

If you are in any of these areas, be sure to visit the show.

Sep 10 TPS 16: TNC opens at the St. Edward’s University Art Gallery in Austin, TX.
Sep 22 Artists reception from 5p-7p.
Oct 06 TPS 16: TNC closes in Austin, TX.
Dec 1 TPS 16: TNC opens at the Center for Contemporary Art in Abilene, TX.


Jan 31 Exhibition closes in Abilene, Texas.
Mar 07 Exhibition opes at Fotofest in Houston, Texas.
Apl 27 Exhibition closes at Fotofest.
May 12 Exhibtion opens at the Calumet Photo Art Gallery in New York City.
Jun 27 Exhibtion closes in New York City.
Jul 21 Exhibition open at the Calumet Photo Art Gallery in San Francisco, California.
Aug 17 Exhibition closes in San Francisco, California.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Vintage Look



so I am still exploring techniques for class. I came across a vintage photo action. worked great. I added a 3 pixel black stroke, noise to a dodge and burn layer as well as a vignette to a dodge and burn layer.